5. - 6. November 2024
Forum “Modernes Zutritts- und Berechtigungsmanagement”
München, Germany
Angriffe auf Schließsysteme: (Alb)Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
Timo Kasper
The engineering company Kasper & Oswald GmbH provides comprehensive consulting services and product development in the field of embedded security and IT applications. Our business activities comprise the analysis, design, and realization of corresponding security solutions. In training courses and lectures we illustrate the relevant security issues of hardware and software implementations and familiarize you and your employees with the state-of-the-art of solving these problems.
As part of the BMBF-funded project FreeSBee (side-channel free software for embedded systems, 2023 – 2026), KAOS contributes to the hardening of IoT systems against timing-based side-channel attacks. Together with AbsInt GmbH and the FZI Research Center for Computer Science Karlsruhe, KAOS is developing a tool-supported methodology to automatically detect and resolve vulnerabilities based on timing side channels.
In the project DevToSCA (Developer-centric Tools for Side-Channel Analysis), KAOS helps to improve security against side-channel attacks on several levels: The aim of the project is, together with the Ruhr University Bochum, the Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH and the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences to develop automated methods for side-channel analysis and hardening of applications during development and deployment. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds the project for the period 2022 to 2025.
The ChameleonMini was successfully funded on Kickstarter. The devices are in stock in various colours in our webshop. More information regarding the Chameleon can be found on our ChameleonMini project page.
Have a look at our services and our work and research on the security of embedded systems.
You have a question on embedded security or need help with developing your system? Contact us today or write a mail to: info@kasper-oswald.de.
The Kasper & Oswald team regularly speaks at international conferences and organizes workshops for partners and customers. Below, you find a list of upcoming events. Click on “show all events” to also see events that already have taken place.
5. - 6. November 2024
München, Germany
Angriffe auf Schließsysteme: (Alb)Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
Timo Kasper